Laval Virtual : augmented reality immersion… in an infographic!

Laval Virtual is a show dedicated to virtual and augmented realities that was created in 1999 and is, therefore, a real precursor. The event showcases the most innovative projects of the year from students to professionals and welcomes participants from around the world.
Laval Virtual focuses on the trends and prospective of the Immersive technology. Lectures help visitors to understand AR/VR/MR. Three main themes: VRticals (sectoral themes), TranVRsals (themes on a prospective vision) and ConVRgence (VRIC). A synthesis of the major challenges of Immersive technology.
IIM came for the third time at the event. This year, students from Video Games and Animated film and visual effects lines of work went on the spot. You can find below the key numbers of the Laval Virtual fair.
Interested by IIM? Here are all the lines of work
Informations mises à jour le 11 May 2021