
Creation & Design

Create to communicate

Digital technology is transforming the way brands communicate while at the same time creating new media and ways of interacting such as contactless interfaces, connected objects, augmented or virtual reality. With the evolution of visual codes, the irruption of new uses and new media, it is a question of constantly reinventing the means of seducing and touching users, customers or players to give them an experience.

The professional sector of creation and design is made up of digital agencies, advertisers’ creative studio startups, cultural and leisure structures, but also the communication, innovation, research and development departments of large companies.

As a force of proposal and creation, the profiles sought are creative and innovative and must master the fundamentals of communication, ergonomics and technology.


  • Bachelor in Creation and Design
  • Mastère in in Web and Mobile Engineering
  • Mastère in Management of Digital Transformation


Fadela Moizard
Head of Creation & Design department

Informations mises à jour le 04 Mar 2020


Directeur artistique / Directeur de création / UX-UI designer / Designer graphique / Motion designer / Webdesigner / TV Producer / Chef de projet communication visuelle  …


UX Designer / Designer interactif / Customer experience designer / Designer d’interactions / Creative Technologist / Concepteur d’installations interactives / Architecte de l’information / Responsable innovation / Ergonome / Chef de projet


Product Designer / UX Designer / UI Designer / Product Owner / Product Builder / Chef de projet digital / Directeur de projet / UX Writer / Design Manager …


Motion Designer / Directeur Artistique / Directeur de Création / Designer Graphique et artistique / TV Producer / Manager de Projet en Communication Visuelle …

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