What is the Average Salary of a Recent Graduate in Digital ? IIM Survey 2018

According to a new IIM survey, the students graduated in 2017 from IIM got a good start into working life. Artistic direction, web development, creation & design… The specific digital specialties are as diverse as the jobs they lead to.
The survey was based on the answers of 168 students graduated in 2017 (among the 199 students of this promotion). In other words, it represents a response rate of 83%. The professional integration of IIM students is measured each year through a “First Job Survey”.
First average annual gross salary: 36 600€
Digital is shaping more and more the world of employment and work. Therefore, employers need digital experts. Junior profiles are appreciated for their energy and their knowledge of various work tools: techniques, languages or software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, 3DSMax, Indesign, Premiere Pro, etc.
The survey gives an average annual gross salary of 36 000€, bonus included.
The gap between the lowest and the highest salary is substantial since it varies from 25 000€ to 80 000€.
Employers put the emphasis on human skills, relational skills -soft skills-, which make teamwork easier. Skills hybridisation can also make the difference.
89% of the contracts signed in less than 4 months after graduation
Almost 9 out of 10 graduate students are now working, 60% of them under a permanent contract. Students take advantage of their internship and work-linked training to find their job. 18% used their networking. Job sites like Monster or Indeed, as well as social networks such as LinkedIn can also be very useful since they represent 27% of freshly graduated student’s first job.
The survey reveals that 87% of ex-students are given the responsabilityof a full project.
39% of graduate students are already in charge of a team! About 32% of them are a project manager, 19% work in artistic direction or design. 11% are in the communication business, 9% in marketing, 9% in production, 8% in development, 5% are webmasters, 3% commercial consultants and 4% work in other digital branches.
Examples of jobs in the digital world
Based on the 168 IIM’s students from the 2017 promotion
- 3DCG Artist / Mathematic
- Account Manager /Amazon
- 3D Animator / Illumination Mac Guff
- Application Development Analyst / Accenture
- Assistant Director / Xilam Animation
- Associate Producer / Kylotonn
- Brand Content Owner / Française des Jeux
- Digital Communicant / Engie
- Digital Marketing and Communication / Cap Digital
- Digital Project Manager / Orange / TBWA
- Game Designer and Project Manager / Ubisoft
- Project Manager for Mobiles / 1000mercis
- Confo Artist / Mikros Animation
- Insurance Consultant / IBM
- Consumer marketing manager / Focus Home Interactive
- Crowd Technical Director / Moving Pictures Company Films London
- Developer / SeLoger
- Artistic Director / lesPoupées Russes
- E-commerce executive / Smartbox Group Dublin
- Product Owner / Altran Technologies
- Computing development analysis specialist / Société Générale
- UX UI Designer / Thales Digital Factory
- Web Designer / Guérin Joaillerie
- Web Marketer / HUB Institute
Informations mises à jour le 11 May 2021